Classes & Series

Learn more about the skills required to build strong and effective organizations.


Leadership Succession: A Plan for Stability

Partner: $100.00 / General: $200.00

This series is for Executive Directors. We encourage you to bring your board chair or a board member along. Light homework activities will be assigned between sessions that will help you to implement what you have learned.

CLASS 1:  Preparing for Inevitable Leadership Change

When an Executive Director leaves an organization there can be a lot of upheaval. And sometimes mission gets put on “pause”. But it doesn’t have to be that way. With some forethought, your next leader transition will be smooth and your new leader will have clarity on your organization’s strategic direction. In this first session, we will examine the high-level question of why it’s important to have a succession plan for CEO or other leader transitions and the trends in the broader environment that shape our succession planning.  We’ll discuss the difference between succession and transition plans and how they connect, as well as key questions to consider in both a planned and unplanned transition.  This course will set us up to engage our teams in the critical conversations that need to take place before we commit to writing our plans. 

CLASS 2: Succession Planning – Ready to Write

You’re ready to plan ahead for your next shift in leadership, but where do you start? In this session, we’ll talk about the components of an effective succession plan, key questions your board should be asking, and next steps you can take.  We will troubleshoot challenges and look at opportunities to engage your team in getting your plan written, approved, and lived by your team.

CLASS 3: Moving from Succession to Transition

You have your succession plan in hand, but how do you use the plan to prepare for your leader’s eventual departure? Come explore why “transition” is not simply a search process.  In this session we will discuss Foraker’s model of Prepare-Search-Thrive, and best practices for bidding farewell to one leader and welcoming in a new leader. This course will explore the role of the board and specifically how your transition committee will use your succession plan to find a new leader. 

No scheduled dates for this event. If you would like to schedule this event for your community please contact us.