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Event Details

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Special Briefings

Advocacy in Action

Webinar Event Webinar
Host Mike Walsh, Vice President/Director of Public Policy, The Foraker Group

In these advocacy check-ins, we'll highlight issues being tracked by Foraker and other organizations, both locally and nationally. Come and share your experiences and concerns. Along the way we'll discuss techniques and strategies to help you serve as a strong advocate for your mission, your organization, and the sector. 

Please register so that we can send you materials, if any, in advance. 

Teleconference Info: Join URL:
Meeting ID: 398-568-428
Or iPhone one-tap : (669) 900-6833

Web Link: Click Here
Statewide Webinar
This class will be offered online
Mike Walsh   Vice President/Director of Public Policy, The Foraker Group
Mike has lived in Alaska for over 25 years, most of that time in Fairbanks. He holds a Ph.D. in Public Policy and Public Administration from Purdue University, a Master's Degree in Public Administration from the University of North Texas, and a Bachelor's Degree from the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Mike served in the administration of Governor Tony Knowles and Lt. Governor Fran Ulmer as Deputy Director of the Fairbanks Office of the Governor, and has worked extensively with local nonprofit boards and agencies on a wide range of policy and management issues. He is a past President of and currently serves on the Board of Directors for the nonprofit Fairbanks Community Food Bank, and is President of the Board of Directors for Dance Theatre Fairbanks, a small nonprofit. He is a long-time Adjunct Professor of Political Science for both the University of Alaska Fairbanks and Alaska Pacific University. As Vice President, Mike responsibility for development and provision of our business planning services and he provides training to boards and staff on a variety of topics, including lobbying and advocacy and outcomes evaluation. To date he has facilitated dozens of strategic planning sessions, facilitated the development of scores of nonprofit business plans, worked with multiple organizations considering various types of mergers and collaborations, and trained hundreds of nonprofit boards and staff of Alaska nonprofits.