Become a Partner

Join the network of Alaska's nonprofits.

You don't have to be a Partner to receive services from us, but there are many benefits to partnership.

Foraker Partner

At Foraker, we believe that the best path to strengthen your capacity is through relationships. Together we will work with you as a partner to enhance your skills and support your mission to best serve your community.

Foraker Partner Benefits

We invite you to renew your Foraker Partnership each year on the date you joined. We offer a sliding fee based on the size of your organization or group’s annual operating budget:

Organization Annual Budget Below $50K $50K to $100K $100K to $250K $250K to $500K $500K to $1 million $1 to $3 million $3 to $10 million Over $10 Million
Annual Partnership Fee $100 $200 $300 $500 $1,000 $1,500 $2,500 $3,500

Small Business Partner

The Small Business Partner category is available for for-profit individuals and businesses with fewer than 50 employees who work with nonprofits and believe in the power of the nonprofit sector to better the lives of Alaskans and their communities.

Small Business Partner Benefits

Programs and services not available to Small Business Partners include all our cohort programs, like the Certificate in Nonprofit Management and Catalyst for Nonprofit Excellence, and any shared services.

The rate for a Small Business Partner is $250.

The Foraker Group Partner Application

This application will walk you through a series of steps where we determine if you need to submit a new partner application, or create a user profile. To begin, insert the name of your organization below. If the name of your organization appears while you type, select the name and click next. If it does not appear, finish typing and click next.

Enter your organization name. Please do not abbreviate or use acronyms.