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Jan 20, 2021
Posted Under: Uncategorized

We congratulate President Biden and Vice President Harris on their inauguration today. They and our own Alaska federal delegation deserve our heartfelt thanks for their commitment to public service, especially during these difficult times. The nation’s agenda is challenging as we address the COVID crisis, the political division, and an economy that is increasingly leaving people and families behind.

This is a day to honor the strength of our democracy and a day to look ahead and to look inward at what we as individuals and as a sector must do to advance equity and justice in our organizations, our communities, and our state.

As members of Alaska’s nonprofit sector, we are committed to public service.  We welcome all Alaskans to join us. Look for places where you can serve. Check on your neighbors to be sure they’re doing alright. Give a little extra to the organizations you support and use your voice with this new administration and with our delegation to stand for your mission. And most of all, know that your work is essential to our democracy and we salute you.