
Planning new facilities, expanding existing ones, or renovating requires specialized guidance and resources.

How to Use This Site

We know, at first glance you see a lot here. Frankly, what you are about to undertake as a project is a lot – and there is no simple way around doing the work. That said, this site is full of words – lots of words. Given that, we have created some helpful navigational aids to use this site more efficiently and effectively.

  1. The flow chart found at the top of the main pages shows all the tasks for each step in the Pre-D journey – you can jump to exactly where you need to be. This chart is also helpful for tracking your progress.
  2. The site is NOT meant to be read all at once. Instead, read the piece you need and thoughtfully take the action suggested. Give each step all the time it needs to finish each task. Then come back for more.
  3. To get the most out of the tool, we suggest reading the step you are working on with other people on the team. Together you can learn what is needed to accomplish each task and decide who will work on it.
  4. Take advantage of the many resources we have gathered to help you understand each step and support your work.
  5. Use the navigation icons to stay focused, fully complete each step, and avoid becoming overwhelmed. We’ve added these icons throughout the process:
    Stop – Finish this step before moving on
    Ask an Expert – Bring in a consultant who can provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision
    Dream & Connect – Ensure this project meets a community need, collaborate with others, decide if you can work together on the project
    Look Inward – Ensure this project meets your mission, that it’s the right size, that you can afford it now and into the future

Remember that the goal of the pre-development process is not to build a building. The goal is to make sure your project is necessary, the right size and design, and is sustainable over time. You can learn more about sustainable projects here.

Let’s Get Started

It is true that the Pre-D process is many steps taken over time. Those steps result in a building that is more likely to be the right size for both the mission and the community. It also means that financial investments are maximized for the greatest social return. Following the Pre-D steps create a win-win-win for your mission, the community, and the funders. Reaching these outcomes also takes much work. The typical phases and steps are captured in the Capital Project Pre-Development Flow Chart and are used in this toolkit as a road map to help you track, resource, and move forward on your path.