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Category Archives: President’s letter

Jan 9, 2025
Posted Under: President's letter

Closing out an old year and entering a new one is that moment when so many of us take stock of what has just passed and what is yet to come. Looking back at 2024 from Foraker’s perspective, I remember it as a year of big projects, big internal shifts, and many expected and unexpected changes. Some of our projects were planned and some not, and per our usual, we ebbed and flowed with each other and made it work. Does this sound like your workplace? I found that time and again, groups we engaged with in 2024 were experiencing a high degree of change similar to what happened during the pandemic but also very different in that the changes were coming more from inside and not as much from outside… Read more »

Dec 3, 2024
Posted Under: Economic Impact President's letter

This holiday season we are celebrating with the gift of turning data into action. There is a data point for almost every wish on your holiday list but there is always an elusive – if not magical – data point that is just out of reach. Of course, no holiday gift is worth it unless you can use it again and again, right? So, the good news is this data has a nice shelf life and should carry you through your strategic planning, the Halls of Congress, and our state Capitol for a long time. We hope you use these truths to raise your voice and sing a joyous song about the essential work taking place (often in the background of the tinsel and sparkly light kind of things you… Read more »

Nov 12, 2024
Posted Under: Advocacy Foraker News Leadership Summit President's letter

What’s Next? If you are a West Wing fan, you hear that question when the voice of Martin Sheen as President of the United States takes on one big thing after another. And so, that is what we will also do as this election season draws to a conclusion. For some of you, this election was a high point, and for others, a low point — certainly, it brought a response that resonated deeper than a person or a political party. Regardless, I feel certain that not everyone experienced the election the same, nor will we experience the consequences of the decisions made by the American people the same. During the pandemic, it was an often-used metaphor that “we are swimming in the same ocean, but we are not in the… Read more »

Oct 11, 2024
Posted Under: Planning and Structure President's letter Sustainability

Searching for and claiming our origin story feels like a universal experience across cultures, generations, and experiences. It is the act of knowing where we came from and what makes us who we are today. There are many paths to get to this place including oral traditions, shared stories, formal documentation, scientific evidence, and artistic renderings. Each effort has meaning and offers us some truths to hold on to as we move ahead to what’s next.   Each of us likely has varying personal experiences with searching for and owning our own origin stories which can be thrilling, heartbreaking, insightful, harrowing, surprising, lovely, and perhaps everything in between. Maybe our personal experience makes us either more eager or less willing to search out and document our nonprofit’s origin story. And, as… Read more »

Sep 10, 2024
Posted Under: Advocacy President's letter

At Foraker, we believe that the nonprofit sector is essential to our democracy. More than just a system of government, the idea of democracy is the notion of free-flowing ideas that often confound us, make us think, and yes, often disagree. Democracy requires attention and conscious conversations. It is, after all, only held together by people with ideas and the rules, ethics, and values that we write and live around it. At times, disagreement is how we know our freedoms are at play. Not conflict for conflict’s sake, but the notion that this ever-evolving system needs respect, connection, and healthy debate. This is the thread that holds us together even as some want to frame it as the thing that pulls us apart. The nonprofit sector is one of those… Read more »

Aug 7, 2024
Posted Under: Human Resources President's letter

This month we released our Salary and Benefits Report & Dashboard. While we have been producing these reports for nonprofit decision-making since 2003, this year our report is bigger and better than ever thanks to a partnership with the state nonprofit associations in Montana, Idaho, Washington, and Oregon. Certainly, this type of data has been useful in the past but right now the nonprofit workforce is at the nexus of events that likely will result in a lasting shift for current and future employees. We have reported over the years on the challenges nonprofit employees and employers face, which sadly have not changed much because few organizations ever feel like they are fully staffed or financially flexible enough to deploy the team they have in all the ways they think… Read more »

Jul 11, 2024
Posted Under: Board Development President's letter

A complicated truth is that the same turnover, personal time assessment, and value propositions impacting our nonprofit workforce are also deeply impacting our nonprofit boards. The conversations about how to reignite and reengage our most essential volunteers are ever-present. While not surprising, the escalation of these discussions since the pandemic is, just as in the workforce, a reality we must accept. You are not alone in thinking about what is happening in your boardroom as the challenges are not restricted to one type of organization, geography, budget size, or mission topic. Layering on the shifts in philanthropy and general volunteerism levels in this country and our state is an opportunity to pause and consider what to do next. Importantly, starting by understanding that at the heart of both philanthropy and… Read more »

Jun 10, 2024
Posted Under: Advocacy Government President's letter

Some days more than others, we need to remind ourselves that nonprofits are a hallmark of a healthy democracy and a thriving economy. Today is one of those days. In other countries nonprofits are referred to as non-governmental organizations to indicate their separate relationship from the government, since it is the IRS that deems the reality of our existence in this country, we are framed from a tax perspective. In either case, our role is essential in the depth and breadth of our services that the government either will not or cannot provide and inherently will fail in a market-driven economy. The rationale for our existence in a thriving economy is also long – just look around at how each of your communities operates. Ask yourself, who is doing the… Read more »

May 9, 2024
Posted Under: Fundraising President's letter

The classic vicious cycle in nonprofit operations is the need to raise more money to hire more people but needing people to raise more money.  It is an easy scarcity trap to fall into regardless of your organizational size, topic, or geography.  Scarcity thinking dominates nonprofit and fundraising culture. It drives us to believe there is not enough time, money, energy, or people, leading us to the inevitable conclusion that we are competing with one another. Countless nonprofit boards and staff believe this false narrative and because it is so pervasive it is easy to find evidence to be right.  And yet, we must resist the scarcity trap if we are going to be truly successful. The alternative is an abundance mindset, one that asks you to think about what… Read more »

Apr 9, 2024
Posted Under: Leadership Development President's letter

Springtime in Alaska is the time that tests our convictions the most – the time when you can still ski, snowshoe, and snowmachine, and there are more moments to walk or ride on pavement, gravel, and hard ground – a time of hope and a bit of pleading for slightly more sunshine and slightly less gray as the daylight invites us to do more and hibernate less. This is truly the time of year that reminds me that I get to hold a lot of emotions, energy, and ideas all at once. It is also the time of year that my mindset matters. Our work in the nonprofit sector also looks and feels like the weather – the highs and lows are palpable and most days ridiculous to juggle. The… Read more »